I. Introduction

Definition of the keto diet

Welcome to Keto Diet 101: A Beginner's Guide! The ketogenic, or keto, diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that has been shown to offer a range of health benefits, including weight loss and increased energy. In this guide, we'll go over the basics of the keto diet, including how it works, the benefits it offers, and how to get started. Whether you're new to the keto diet or just looking to refresh your knowledge, this guide is for you. So let's get started!

Brief overview of how the diet works

The keto diet works by drastically reducing your intake of carbohydrates and increasing your intake of fats. When you eat a lot of carbs, your body produces glucose, which is then used as energy. However, when you reduce your carb intake, your body is forced to use stored fat as energy instead. This process is known as ketosis.

To enter ketosis and start using fat as energy, you need to consume about 70-80% of your daily calories from fat, 20-25% from protein, and 5-10% from carbs. By following this macronutrient breakdown, you can train your body to use fat as its primary energy source, which can lead to weight loss and other potential health benefits.

It's important to note that the keto diet is not a high-protein diet. While protein is an important macronutrient, consuming too much of it can actually prevent your body from entering ketosis. Therefore, it's important to carefully track your macronutrient intake and ensure that you are getting enough fat and enough protein, but not too much of either.

II. Benefits of the keto diet

Other potential health benefits (e.g. lower blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels)

Weight loss: The keto diet can be effective for weight loss because it reduces appetite and promotes fat burning. When your body is in ketosis, it breaks down stored fat into molecules called ketones, which can be used as an alternative energy source.

Increased energy: Many people experience increased energy levels on the keto diet, possibly due to the steady supply of energy from healthy fats.

Improved mental clarity: Some people report improved focus and concentration while following the keto diet, possibly due to the stable blood sugar levels that result from reducing carbohydrate intake.

Other potential health benefits: In addition to the benefits listed above, the keto diet may also have other health benefits, such as lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects and determine the long-term safety of the diet.

III. How to get started on the keto diet

Setting realistic goals: Before starting the keto diet, it's important to set realistic goals for yourself. This might include a specific weight loss target, or a goal to improve your overall health. It can also be helpful to set a timeline for reaching your goals, and to consider any potential challenges you may face along the way.

Calculating your macronutrient intake: The keto diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carbohydrate diet. To enter ketosis, it's important to get most of your daily calories from fat, and to limit your carbohydrate intake to about 5-10% of your total calories. You can use an online calculator or consult with a healthcare professional to determine your specific macronutrient needs.

Meal planning and shopping tips: Planning your meals and snacks in advance can help you stay on track with the keto diet. It can be helpful to create a weekly meal plan, and to make a grocery list based on the items you'll need. When shopping, focus on purchasing whole, unprocessed foods like meats, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid buying processed or packaged foods, which are often high in carbs.

IV. Common mistakes to avoid

Not getting enough electrolytes: When following the keto diet, it's important to get enough electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals are important for maintaining proper fluid balance and supporting healthy muscle and nerve function. Without enough electrolytes, you may experience symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and muscle cramps. To ensure adequate intake, consider adding electrolyte-rich foods to your diet, such as bone broth, leafy green vegetables, and avocados. You may also need to supplement with electrolytes, especially if you are exercising heavily or are in the early stages of the diet.

Not eating enough fat: Since the keto diet is high in fat, it's important to make sure you are getting enough of this macronutrient. If you don't eat enough fat, you may struggle to enter ketosis and may feel hungry all the time. To ensure you are getting enough fat, include a variety of healthy fats in your meals and snacks, such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds.

Not planning for social situations: The keto diet may require you to make different food choices than you are used to, which can be challenging in social situations. To stay on track, it can be helpful to plan ahead and communicate your dietary needs to friends and family. You may also need to be flexible and willing to make compromises, such as bringing your own keto-friendly snacks to events or ordering off-menu at restaurants.

V. Keto-friendly recipes

Here are a few keto-friendly Indian recipes that you could try:

Keto Butter Chicken: This recipe uses chicken breasts, heavy cream, and butter to create a rich and flavorful sauce. Serve it over cauliflower rice or with a side of steamed vegetables.

Keto Palak Paneer: This dish features paneer (a type of Indian cheese) in a creamy spinach sauce. You can serve it with a side of low-carb naan bread or with roasted vegetables.

Keto Chicken Tikka Masala: This recipe uses coconut milk and heavy cream to create a creamy and aromatic sauce. Serve it over cauliflower rice or with a side of grilled vegetables.

Keto Aloo Gobi: This vegetarian dish is made with cauliflower, potatoes, and a variety of spices. It's a great option for a side dish or a main course when served with a protein of your choice.

Keto Samosas: These traditional Indian snacks can be made keto-friendly by using a low-carb dough and filling them with a mixture of vegetables and protein. They can be fried or baked for a tasty snack or appetizer.

VI. Conclusion

Recap of the benefits of the keto diet

Encouragement to give the diet a try, with a reminder to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet.

What we have heard about kids working out has confused us and put in a fix.

Parents still have many questions revolving around their head...
  1. Whether to start the kids workout or not? 
  2. What is the right age to start workout or sports?
  3. What sport is right for my kid?
  4. Will it stunt my kids’ height growth?

Let me help you here!

Low to moderate physical activity in children (above the age of 6) is essential for optimal growth. In fact, exercise in childhood is critical for maximizing bone growth and preventing osteoporosis in later years. 

However, when exercise levels increase to vigorous and extreme levels for prolonged times, negative growth effects may occur.

It is studied that the puberty in kids may be pushed for later age in certain advanced level sports people where one needs to be skinny, Female athletes may experience amenorrhea or dysmenorrhoea (absent or disturbed menstrual cycle), reduced bone density etc., These may be seen in endurance sports as a result of reduced caloric intake leaving the kids malnourished.

Example, one needs to be lightweight to excel in a marathon, for which they adopt a calorie deficit diet resulting in slower growth and maturity.

Hence, it is very important to feed the kids adequately during their development phase no matter what sport one plays.

How important is it to work out or play sports?

A Study states health risks may increase when the body fat percentage exceeds 25% in boys and 30% in girls ages through 18 years of age.

In the present day situation, every kid plays a sport or two; but unfortunately on their smartphones or video games. 

It is very important for a human being to exercise and keep active, especially Kids have to dedicate more time and energy physically to maximise the growth as the body is still emerging to its best capacity.

Our body and brain is a complex machine, if it is not put to use, it grows lazy and weak, which is not what we want for our kids.

Benefits of workout/sports

  1. Strong muscles
  2. Strong bones
  3. Improved coordination 
  4. Improved concentration 
  5. Builds discipline that mould them
  6. Better performance (Academics and sport)
  7. Improved immunity
  8. Quick Reaction time
  9. Better flexibility
  10. Overall  Fit teenage & adulthood
Kids can indulge in all forms of sports and fitness activities as far as the intensity levels are aptly measured and kept low to moderate. It is also important to consider an individual’s interest and inclination to a particular sport. 

Don’t force the kid to do something that they are not interested. Parents are the first and best influence on kids. If you want your kid to be active you better be active.

There is no known reason for you to stop the kid from working out or playing a sport. Feed em’ right and let them play!!


Many of us make a resolution of losing weight or look better every year and how many of us keep it up ????



There are a lot of obstacles that keep us from starting or continuing our workout.

Below are some top reasons that may have haunted you.

  1. I don’t find time
  2. I don’t have enough motivation
  3. I don’t have a trainer or partner
  4. I set an alarm; but end up snoozing and snoozing and snoozing……
  5. Gym is too far or I don’t have a gym close by
  6. I don’t have training knowledge
  7. I feel too lazy
  8. Got late night work every day; so can’t make it in the morning
  9. Travelling or no fixed job time
  10. Waiting for Monday, 1st of every Month to start diet or workout
  11. Big games, big events keep coming
  12. Fatigued end of the day, want to workout
  13. Kids, household chores to take care of
  14. Afraid of pain & soreness
  15. I walk everyday
And many more….. We give ourselves endless reasons for not being able to start workout.

Some tips from FITNESS SPEAR that may help you overcome the obstacles.

1. I don’t find time:

When you have an intention to begin working out; there is always a reason clinging on the cause. It often is based on the seriousness of the cause. So don’t just decide when to start based on the seriousness of the cause as the cause will be worsening every day you don’t start your workout.

2. I don’t have enough motivation:

Your motivation depends on how badly you want the result. Keep images or photos of what you want to look like and continue admiring it. If it is a sport specific goal; record your results and try beating your best record.

3. I don’t have a trainer or partner:

Not having a trainer or a partner can definitely hamper our workout, but do not let to stop you from working out. You can join a gym and find a person who has a similar goal and who can train with you. Seek help from a certified trainer in the gym if required.

4. I set an alarm; but end up snoozing it:

It is always advised to keep your gym gear ready in the night before bed and once you hear the ring of an alarm step out of the bed right away and do not snooze… The comfort of the bed and snooze will put you back to sleep.

5. Gym is too far or I don’t have a gym close by:

It is suggested to join a gym close to your house to keep your habit. However if you don’t find a gym we can always workout at the comfort of our house. Refer to article FIFTEEN MINUTES TO FITNESS

6. I don’t have training knowledge:

It is difficult and risky to just read about fitness/exercises and start a routine. Invest on a certified trainer who can teach you the basics which have to be carried throughout your workout affair.

7. I feel too lazy:

It is almost very similar to “I don’t find time”; your motivation, interest levels and how badly you want to get back in shape is what decides your will to workout. Think why you wanted to workout when you are lazy. Fix a workout time and hit the gym even if it is for just 10 minutes, the habit will build on by itself.

8. Got late night work every day; so can’t make it in the morning:

With such work schedules it becomes all the more important to workout, work puts a lot of stress on the human body and mind. Exercise will help reduce stress and keep you fit. So, find a time sometime late in the morning or noon where you start the routine and it will set in its pace.

9. Travelling or no fixed job time:

This kind of job is difficult to manage with exercise, but we need to cultivate the habit of exercising at least 3-4 times a week so we can maintain the fitness levels; and short burst of workout multiple times a day will be beneficial.

10. Waiting for Monday, 1st of every Month to start diet or workout: 

TOMORROW NEVER DIES!! We always wait for an auspicious day to start our training routine, drink/party over the weekend and start afresh on Monday… BAD IDEA!... It is suggested to start the routine immediately as you plan.

11. Big games or Big events keep coming: 

Big games or events that can’t be missed keep coming in between workout. It also happens that these events definitely add to your calorie consumption. You know when the event or game is coming, so make sure to exercise before you start freaking out.

12. Fatigued end of the day, but want to workout:

You know for sure that you would be fatigued end of the day; then why wait for the evening. Start the day early and do a light intensity workout to start with and then build.

13. Kids, household chores to take care of:

You know you have certain things to be taken care of; when you can make time and do your chores why not plan and make time for workout. It becomes very easy to follow the schedule once you make a habit.

14. Afraid of pain & soreness:

Soreness or Pain is common once you start a workout; muscles go through damage while working out. But it is for good; Muscles recover and become stronger every workout. The idea to keep pain off is to start a light intensity training and don’t take long breaks from workout. A week of more of break puts your body back to easy mode and workout becomes painful again.

15. I walk everyday: 

It is good to walk on a daily basis but don’t consider it a workout because the body is a complex machine; It assumes anything that is done on daily basis as an activity rather than a workout. Just like brushing, bathing, climbing stairs all these burn calories for sure but it is the daily expenditure and nothing specific as a workout.

RESULTS keep you motivated TYPE OF WORKOUT that interests you keeps you motivated… find your ways to keep yourself motivated.


Flexibility is one of the most important factors of fitness; unfortunately the most ignored component of fitness.

No matter what profession you are into; what sport you play, FLEXIBILITY IS IMPORTANT!

What happens if you are not FLEXIBLE?

* More prone to injuries
* Bad posture
* Joints Pain
* Less range of movement etc.,
* Decreases length of muscle

Advantages of being flexible

* Less prone to injuries
* Improves flexibility
* Improved muscle co-ordination & balance
* Improved muscle contractile strength
* Increased range of motion
* Increase optimum length of muscle

When to stretch?????

It is very important to warm up before stretching. Warm up increases the blood flow to the muscles increasing the elasticity; also improves the joint mobility Hence it is a ready ground to stretch..
So, One needs to thoroughly warm up doing low intensity cardio and then perform a stretch.

There are 2 major types of stretches:
1. Dynamic stretches

Dynamic stretches should be done after a 10 minute warm up & before starting a workout. It should be held for less than 5 seconds at the maximum stretch point, it facilitates free movement of joints and makes muscle more elastic.

2. Static stretches

Static stretches should be done after the workout. It is held for 20-30 seconds at the maximum stretch point. Static stretch improves flexibility of the muscles.

Things to keep in mind while stretching:

1. It is alright to feel mild pain or discomfort in the muscles while stretching
2. Stop if you are cramping, feeling a sharp pain or experience radiating numbness in muscles.
3. Breathe deep; avoid shallow breathing or holding breath.

What are the muscles to stretch?

1. Pectorals (Chest)
2. Hamstring (Back Thighs)
3. Quadriceps (Front Thighs)
4. Back
a. Lower back
b. Upper back
5. Biceps & Triceps
6. Neck & Shoulder

There are many stretches for each muscle below are some references.

The stretches as discussed are a major part of fitness; however it is very important to choose the right stretches based on ones current fitness and health conditions. Consult a certified trainer before beginning a routine.

For personalized training, contact Fitness Spear:
Mobile: +91 9742224440
Email: fitnessspear@gmail.com
Diabetes mellitus commonly referred to as diabetes is a disease in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. Symptoms of high blood sugar include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger.

Type 1 Diabetes if the pancreas's failure to produce enough insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to respond to insulin properly. As the disease progresses a lack of insulin may also develop.

Diabetic emergencies and  symptoms of low blood sugar.

Low blood sugar is common in persons with type 1 and type 2 DM. Most cases are mild and are not considered medical emergencies. Effects can range from feelings of unease, sweating, trembling, and increased appetite in mild cases to more serious issues such as confusion, changes in behavior, seizuresunconsciousness, and (rarely) permanent brain damage or death in severe cases. Mild cases are self-treated by eating or drinking something high in sugar. Severe cases can lead to unconsciousness and is life threatening.
Is it the Genes to be blamed for Diabetes running through family?

We have seen and heard people blame their parents and their great grandparents for their diabetes or any other health condition that’s been running through family.

Should we really blame them????? 

The conditions that follow through generations is mainly because of the food habits and lifestyle we follow from our ancestors, only if we had changed it we could make a better 


Why is Exercise very important for Diabetics?
People who suffer from either type of Diabetes, Type I or Type II (or non-insulin dependent), can benefit from regular exercise. However,  we will focus on Type II Diabetes as it is the most common form, accounting for over 90% of all Diabetes cases. This form of Diabetes usually develops later in life when cells of the body become insulin resistant. As a result, it becomes harder for the body to regulate blood sugar levels. The three most important tools used to control Diabetes are diet, exercise, and medication. All these must be incorporated into the lifestyle of the diabetic. Healthy eating and /or taking medication alone will not successfully control blood sugar levels. Regular exercise is equally if not more important. 

How can exercise affect the blood-sugar level in the body?
During and for several hours after exercise, extra energy is expended by the body. As a result, excess sugar is removed from the blood, and blood sugar levels are reduced. This effect can last as long as 18 to 24 hours after an exercise session. 

What is the relationship between exercise, diabetes and being over weight?
Being overweight often results in the body's cells becoming resistant to insulin. Regular exercise helps people reach and maintain a healthy  body weight. If healthy habits are not practiced, this resistance can lead to further weight gain. A dangerous cycle quickly develops which, if not broken, often leads to Type II Diabetes as well as several other health problems. Combining regular exercise with a healthy diet not only helps to control Type II Diabetes, but can also help to prevent it from ever developing. 

How can exercise help the heart?
Exercise plays a role in delaying or preventing the onset of  large blood vessel and heart disease, the leading killer of people with Diabetes. Aerobic exercise helps to strengthen the heart and burn fat. A build-up of fat around the heart and within major arteries often results in large blood vessel and/or heart disease, both of which can lead to a heart attack. By exercising regularly, 3-4 times a week, the development of these diseases can be slowed or even prevented. 

What type of exercises can be recommended for the diabetic?
Any physical activity that raises the heart rate for 45 to 60 minutes and is performed on a regular basis will bring about health benefits. Several activities like gardening, swimming, stationary bicycle riding, and resistance training to strengthen muscles will burn calories and bring about health benefits. However, be sure to consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. 

As a diabetic, are there any special steps one should take before beginning an exercise program?
Eat regularly Eat at regular intervals, especially before and after your workout is critical to regularize sugar levels in the blood.
Consult your Doctor or Trainer Be sure to describe in detail the type of activity you plan on doing including such information as how long the activity will last and how often you will be doing it.
Take care of your feet A diabetic is more prone to infection and injury of the feet and legs. This should not prevent you from beginning an exercise program, but it is an important fact to always keep in mind.
Carry a Carbohydrate Munch on some simple carbs snack when you feel you carbohydrates levels fall low. It is possible with exercise, so always carry it handy.